Tips for the Physically Challenged
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Before an Earthquake
Set up your home, apartment or workplace so that you can quickly get under a sturdy desk, table or other safe place for protection. Identify doorways that do not have doors in which you can take cover.
Maintain a list of medications, allergies, special equipment, names and numbers of doctors, pharmacists and family members with you at all times.
Keep extra medication with your emergency supplies.
Keep extra emergency supplies at your bedside and by your wheelchair.
Have walking aids near you at all times. Place extra walking aids in different rooms of the house.
Put a security light in each room. These lights plug into any outlet and light up automatically if there is a loss of electricity. They continue operating automatically for four to six hours, and they can be turned off by hand in an emergency.
Have a whistle near you to signal for help.
Find two people you trust who will check on you after an earthquake. Tell them your special needs. Show them how to operate any equipment you use. Show them where your emergency supplies are kept. Give them a spare key.
During and After an Earthquake
If you are in bed or out of a wheelchair, stay where you are and cover your head and neck.
If you are in a wheelchair, stay in it and go into a doorway that doesn't have a door. Cover your head and neck with your hands.
Prepare to be self-sufficient for at least three days.
Turn on your portable radio for instructions and news reports. For your own safety, cooperate fully with public safety officials and instructions.
Prepare for aftershocks.
If you evacuate your home, leave a message at your home telling family members and others where you can be found.